Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Dancing the light fantastic with Prima

PRIMA Direct, the brand name of Vaughans of Leicester Ltd, has just launched the PRIMA Light Fantastic Dance Floor.

The midnight black portable dance floor features built-in flashing lights in four colours (red, green, blue and yellow), which can either flash in time with the music or run in a chase sequence, and comes complete with safety ramp edges.

Using the company's Gridmat flooring system, the dance floor comes in easy to connect panels measuring 81cm x 81cm and is strong, durable and water resistant. Quick and easy to install it requires little in the way of maintenance.

Ideal for either indoor or outdoor use, the floor runs off a standard 240v supply with each of the panels - which can be interlocked to form any geometric shape - featuring four clusters of different coloured LEDs.For outdoor use the power supply must be connected to a suitable outdoor socket.

Available for purchase or hire the floor has reportedly already seen large orders taken in time for the Christmas party season, including two full size versions for export to Denmark.

Pic: Jonathan Vaughan, Managing Director, PRIMA Direct, with (left) Luisa Travers, PRIMA's Business Development Executive, and Natalie Thew, PRIMA's Marketing Executive

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